Starting in February, horse enthusiasts are invited to a three-part equine health education series…
Crime of the Week
At about 1:04am on Sept. 18, a theft occurred from the Royal Bank on Main Street…
Erin man faces four child pornography charges
A local man faces four child pornography charges after a four-month OPP…
Erin launches Art in the Hall to showcase local artists
The Town of Erin has launched a new exhibition program to help celebrate local artists within the…
Consultants present cost, location, details of future Erin wastewater facility
Council got its first look at details, including cost, location and collection alternatives, for a…
Slew of charges after break-in
On Dec. 18 Wellington OPP was dispatched to a break-in at a car wash on Erin Park Drive…
Four skaters from Hillsburgh Erin Skating Club placed in the Skate Canada's Skates Alive…
New badge
Three adult members of the Hillsburgh Erin Skating Club CanSkate program achieved their…
Eva Naraysingh graduated from the Hillsburgh-Erin Skating Club CanSkate program recently.…
Erin council receives dam update from CVC
Dams in the Town of Erin are still at risk, according to Credit Valley Conservation…