Get a "Sneak MacPeek" at the Fergus Scottish Festival in downtown Fergus from Aug. 6 to…
Centre Wellington
Local effort brings BMX park to Harper Crescent
On July 25 a community of parents, kids, volunteer equipment operators and the township got to…
Pipe band
The Grassland Music Series is an initiative of the Elora BIA held in the Greenspace. Each Sunday…
Sensational Elora”s Film on a Plate presents Kinky Boots on Aug. 1
Sensational Elora presents Kinky Boots for its second annual outdoor "Film On A Plate" event in the…
Electronica artist coming to Fergus
David Benau is coming to Fergus. The electronica artist, producer and BMI writer will be performing…
Outdoor concerts at the museum
For the fourth summer, the Wellington County Museum and Archives is hosting four musical evenings…
Hanging on
Kody Winget of Priceville tries to squeeze a few more inches out of his attempt during the lawn and…
Looking good
Ava Demarco, 3, of Guelph and her sister Alexandria, 4, check out their reflections in the shiny…
Centre Wellington endorses $475,000 hi-tech approach to manage cemeteries, building department and to improve web access
Going hi-tech is not necessarily…
Motor stolen
On July 14 Wellington County OPP received a theft report from Advanced Small Engines Repair at 5th…