Volunteers and organizers are gearing up for the 30th anniversary of the Fergus Truck Show from…
Centre Wellington
NeighbourWoods hires two summer students
Wellington-Halton Hills MP Michael Chong, announced NeighbourWoods has hired two summer students to…
Shakespeare in the Greenspace
Last weekend, Elora Community Theatre presented a Twelfth Night (Or What You Will) fundraiser at…
Outdoor performance
Elora Community Theatre recently presented Twelfth Night (Or What You Will) at the Elora…
Nestle community information open house chats begin
The first "community chat" open house sponsored by Nestle Waters Canada packed the basement of the…
Two Centre Wellington District High School students off the charts with volunteer hours
With a combined total of almost 6,000 volunteer hours over four years, Centre Wellington District…
Belwood Triathlon draws in crowds July 11
Hundreds of area athletes took part in triathlon and duathlon events at the Belwood Lake…
Dreams do come true: Local teen dancing for National Ballet of Canada
Lauren Janeway's dream has come true: she's set to begin her first year as a company dancer for the…
Aussie cricket team to visit Inverhaugh
The Inverhaugh Cricket Club will be hosting visitors from Sydney, Australia on July 18. The…
Council allows rezoning for second home on lot in Fergus
Councillors here are allowing the creation of a second home on a deep lot (to be severed into two…