Centre Wellington Mayor Kelly Linton is excited about the implementation of iCompass software for…
Centre Wellington
Local chef brings spice to Riverfest Elora
Things are about to get spicy at Riverfest Elora this weekend. Tim Halley, a local chef and…
SIU involved in local case
The province's Special Investigations Unit (SIU) is investigating after a local woman was injured…
Playground structures for parks come in at nearly $90,000
New playground equipment for two local parks is coming in with a $90,000…
Nestle holds public meeting in Elora; local residents remain concerned
Nestle Waters Canada held a public meeting to ease concerns about its proposed acquisition of the…
Centre Wellington construction values reach $52-million for first six months of 2015
Mayor Kelly Linton says it seems like building permits are way up in Centre Wellington this year. A…
Costume Contest at Grand River Raceway
The popular Horse Name Costume Game returns to the Grand River Raceway for one night only, offering…
Local lacrosse players celebrate championship win with Team Ontario
Playing for Team Ontario at the Canadian Female Box Lacrosse National Championships was "pretty…
Firefighters toll booth in Fergus
Firefighters will be holding a toll booth in Fergus on Sept. 12 to raise funds on behalf of…
Centre Wellington unveils new sport tourism web page
Centre Wellington Township recently announced the addition of a sport tourism page on its new…