Life Aboard a WWII Corvette opens at county museum on March 27

The Battle of the Atlantic was fought to keep vital shipping lines open between Britain and North America during the Second World War.


In honour of the 100th anniversary of the Canadian Navy, HMCS Fergus: Life aboard a World War II Corvette, opens March 27th.

The 200-foot corvette of the Royal Canadian Navy  helped provide the anti-sub­marine defence for the mer­chant convoys carrying essen­tial supplies of food and equip­ment to Britain.

The HMCS Fergus was the last Canadian corvette commissioned in 1944.

The RCN built over 70 cor­vettes in its shipyards to augment the British contingent of convoy patrol vessels.

The new ships were named after Canadian communities and local support was actively sought. Though very sea­worthy, the living and working accommodations, when at sea in the North Atlantic, were brutally cold, cramped and wet.

Sponsoring cities and towns, such as the town of Fer­gus, raised funds and collected items to provide at least some personal comfort to the crews.

Typical offerings included mit­tens and woollen clothing; books and magazines, ditty bags and even a washing machine.

This exhibit explores life aboard the HMCS Fergus and its relationship with the town in whose honour it was named.

For more information visit or phone 519-846-0916. The exhibit is on display until next February.

Wellington County Museum and Archives is located on County Road 18 between Fergus and Elora and it is opened weekdays 9:30am to 4:30pm and weekends and holidays noon to 4pm.


