Truly blessed

Dear Editor:

How fortunate I am to live in a small community with caring people.

Last week when I began my morning walk, I realized I was having difficulty breathing and walking. I turned to go home, but I didn’t make it.

I literally fell into a hedge. Luckily a neighbour was walking his dog and immediately came to help. He walked me home where two others were waiting to help as well. They called 911 and within minutes I was on my way to Groves.

So begins my experience with our front line workers. What amazing people they are, from the paramedics, to the emergency doctors, nurses and technicians. They knew exactly what care I needed and did their work in a calm and professional way.

I had a COVID-19 test which, thank God, was negative.

I was diagnosed with pneumonia. I was admitted and was given the same wonderful care every day.  They are indeed heroes in every sense. To my neighbours, family and friends, I can’t thank you enough for your offers of help.

I’m truly blessed to live in Elora.

Thanks you for everything.

Norma Wallace,