Pandemic poetry

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Long, long line ups of hoarding masses. Carts of toilet paper to wipe their a—-.

Empty shelves and locked up doors. The widespread virus rises and soars.

Panic buying by fear-filled people. Herd mentality, conditioned sheeple.

Social distancing, self isolation. A global, unprecedented situation.

Schools, libraries and churches close. For just how long, nobody knows.

Day cares, theatres, restaurants and bars. A worldwide pandemic worse than SARS.

A state of emergency is in effect. Do you have symptoms? Please get checked.

Use gloves and masks, be sterile and clean. The world awaits the latest vaccine.

There’s a virus worse than this one, dear. It’s a four letter word, and it’s called FEAR.

Keep in mind a word from the wise: This too shall pass. Face Everything And Rise!

Sandra Owen,