Donkey defender

Dear Editor: RE: The Thorning Revisited column entitled Donkey baseball was popular in mid-20th…

Street safety issues

Dear Editor: On June 19, 15 residents of Frederick St. W., Edward and Francis Streets in Arthur…

Protect privacy

Dear Editor: I, and many others like me, are concerned that our political parties are gathering…

Great loss

Dear Editor: Centre Wellington and particularly Elora recently lost one of its greatest volunteers.…

Garbage policy is trash

Dear Editor: I was upset recently when asked to pay $5 per bag at the transfer station in Elora. I…

Bridge entrance

Dear Editor: RE: The proposed design of the Badley Bridge in Elora. Being a fourth generation…

Replicate current bridge

Dear Editor: RE: Pillar proposal, June 20. It is actually the uninspiring  plan for this bridge…

Bad bargain

Dear Editor: RE: Club is inclusive, June 20. Different strokes for different folks. Any parent…

‘Disheartening’ cut

Dear Editor: An open letter to the trustees of the Upper Grand District School Board. I was…

Rural heritage

Dear Editor: Where are the stewards of Centre Wellington’s historical assets? At its June 17…

Pillar proposal

Dear Editor: The controversy over the new Elora bridge has polarized citizens into vigorously…

Sculpture vandalized

Dear Editor: The Elora Sculpture Project was established by a group of citizens who believe that…

Name muddied

Dear Editor: This is appalling. It has become clear that the administration at the Town of Erin is…

Once proud

Dear Editor: Thank you very much for printing the (May 30) commemoration section of the 75th…

Prefers Portugal’s policy

Dear Editor: Portugal’s drug policy rests on three pillars: one, that there’s no such thing as…