Our tax dollars at work

Dear Editor:

There are a few unhappy people in Palmerston regarding the working of the snow plow.

 Obviously the need for two big blades is a necessity for a road where it is difficult for one car to pass another especially in the trailer park. 

To compensate, our lawns pay the price. Not just here alone. I have seen some of the damage on the way to the post office. Big clumps of sod and also big pieces of asphalt. Here the roads do not get fixed.

So far this property has lost close to three feet. Across the street the corner is completely gone.

The amount of snow that gets dumped in my driveway is unreal. The plow goes around the circle, then around the bend and dumps everything in my driveway. Then he backs up to the end of the street and this snow also gets dumped in my driveway. 

The plow will go right in close to my truck and dump more snow. There are a lot of elderly people who live here including myself.

Complaints are just being ignored.

It is time that Minto get someone who knows what they are doing. Whoever is in charge does not know or care.

Caroll Van Beek,