‘More must be done’

Dear Editor:

On March 22 I spoke as co-founder of Truckers for Safer Highways at a Queen’s Park press conference with NDP member Lise Vaugeois and John Vanthof regarding the issue of highway safety involving commercial vehicles. 

We spoke to the issues of insufficient training standards and the lack of industry enforcement as seen by drivers in the trucking industry. This issue only continues to grow and cause more issues as time goes on without serious actions being taken. 

In response to the press conference I spoke at, the Minister of Transportation of Ontario’s office stated that “Ontario has some of the safest Highways in North America”. This to myself and the members of our group and for that matter anyone who drives professionally is a very frustrating response. 

When we see how common fatal collisions involving commercial vehicles have become, more must be done to ensure all who use our highways are safe. 

Travis McDougall,
Co-founder, Truckers for Safer Highways, Kitchener