‘Missed the mark’

Dear Editor:

RE: Drag show goes on despite protests, threats, harassment, Feb. 2.

Why is it when a few people take a stand on a moral issue people call it a protest or harassment? Not true.

As a Christian that knows and believes the Bible, believes in God and cares about people, it’s important to stand for truth.

Yes, our beliefs are different. Some people may address issues in an unkind way. That’s bad news.

I normally don’t reference a person’s name but Paul Gooch (God loves everyone, Feb. 2) is reading the wrong book. Yes, God loves the sinner but hates sin. We must repent of our sins.

Reading the Bible can turn your life around. The Bible is the best-selling book in the world.

If in our life we haven’t helped to make our society better we’ve missed the mark.

Marilyn Fowler,