
Dear Editor:

I suspect that many people would agree with the gist of Diane Breukelman’s letter (Rainbow criticism, June 9), in which she questioned the need for the proliferation of rainbow colours on flags, sidewalks, roads, etc., much of it at taxpayer expense. 

I also suspect that many are reluctant to express such views because they will be immediately mocked or attacked for being hateful, intolerant, ignorant etc., as Breukelman predictably was in June 16 letters. No doubt this was triggered by her reminding us of the original biblical origin and significance of the rainbow, which has been misappropriated by the 2SLGBTQIA+ movement.

Disagreeing with 2SLGBTQIA+  ideology does not make one hateful, intolerant or “homophobic”, etc., as some of the letters implied. We can still be respectful of someone while disagreeing with their behaviour or ideology. 

2SLGBTQIA+ activists moved on long ago from simply wanting tolerance. They now want everyone to enthusiastically celebrate their movement and to silence any contrary views.

Henry Brunsveld,