‘Masked angel’

Dear Editor:

I think we can all agree that 2020 is a year that we will be happy to place in our rear-view mirror.

But don’t worry, this letter is not going to rehash all that we have experienced in this past year. Instead, this letter is being sent as a celebration and a thank you for the surprising kindness and generosity of a stranger.

On Dec. 16, I was checking out with my load of groceries at the Freshco in Fergus and about to pay my tab when a masked angel stepped in and tapped the machine with her debit card.

I was flustered and confused thinking she had made a mistake. “Oh no,” I said, “you just paid for my groceries by mistake”. She shook her head and said, “Merry Christmas”.

My confusion grew. The cashier asked if we knew each other and we both said no. This masked angel then quietly slipped away. I am a big fan of the random acts of kindness movement, but have never been on the receiving end of such an act. It is a bit overwhelming. I find myself asking “why me in a busy grocery store?” But I guess that is the point of it being random.

All this is to say, thank you, masked angel. You made my year and the ripples from your kindness will keep expanding as each person I tell this tale to says they are going to go out and perform an act of kindness.

And so, 2020 is ending on a high note thanks to the random kindness and generosity of a masked angel. Pass it forward.

Lisa Knudstrup,