Life worth living

Dear Editor:

It seems like just a few short years ago, Zack Morris would sit on the edge of a desk for a PSA after an episode of Saved By The Bell. 

These PSAs were about various topics geared toward teens; suicide or drugs etc. I remember he would talk to us about suicide prevention. I remember seeing many ads on TV about suicide prevention. Perhaps I am aging myself, but these PSAs and ads seem like a thing from the past. These days we hear of suicide encouragement. 

Did you know that as of March, MAID (medical assistance in dying) will be extended to all those with mental illness. In the past one had to have a terminal illness to be allowed MAID. Doctors were not allowed to bring it up, it had to come from the patient. Now, doctors can suggest it, and as of March, one doesn’t even need to be terminally ill.

Back when MAID became legal many people cautioned that it was a slippery slope. How far we have slid …

When did suicide prevention become a thing of the past? Why is suicide now encouraged? A man from St. Catharines, Amir Farsoud is requesting MAID because he has physical limitations, cannot work and his affordable housing is being sold. He said he must choose between housing and death. How sad is it that suicide is the preferable choice? Where are the resources for those struggling with mental health? Where is the concern? Where are the suicide prevention hotlines? 

Please email your MP to discuss this concerning change in MAID.

 If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts – reach out to someone, a friend, a stranger, a church or even me; and know that your life is worth living. 

Catie Leistra,