Kudos for kindness

Dear Editor:

Just thought I would mention a situation that occurred on Dec. 8 at a local park in Fergus.

I was visiting my daughter and grandchild and playing at this park when a woman and her two young boys approached us. They came up to us, looked inside the rocking ship and then went back to their vehicle. I thought this was strange, however it was nothing to be concerned about.

Next thing I know, these two young boys and their mother approached us again and asked permission to give my granddaughter a Christmas gift.

I was bewildered and sort of looked at their mother. This is when she explained to me that her two sons had decided that this year they would like to give gifts out to children rather then receive them.

Wow. To me this seemed so out of the norm and what a pleasant surprise. Kudos to you boys and to you as well, mom. You made my day and my granddaughter’s as well.

To your whole family: have a very Merry Christmas.

David Atkinson,