‘Imposing judgment’

Dear Editor:

I would like to extend my true thanks to those who have written letters and publicly, and clearly demonstrated that their religious beliefs contain “judgment” and “discrimination.”

To paraphrase Mr. Gooch from his letter (God loves everyone, Feb. 9), it’s hard to believe the date on the calendar is meaningless when it comes to “animosity toward people of different orientations.” And to quote another song writer, and the cute line in the song taught to little children, “Jesus love me this I know” is about as sugar coated as it can get.

Men and women doing the bidding for their own gods by imposing their judgment and discrimination is far from unique and has been used throughout history to justify some of the worst examples of human behaviour. No religions excluded.

Please keep your “faith” personal and our society secular. If what you say or do as a result of your religious beliefs negatively affects someone else, then you have imposed your personal judgment and discrimination. 

“Good” isn’t owned by any one religion or belief system. 

Spread it around.

Tom Althouse,