Enough ‘kid gloves’

Dear Editor:

This is not a “Freedom Convoy”: let’s call it what is: a thug or domestic terrorist convoy straight up from Trumpland. Freedom for what? To spread COVID-19 among the rest of the 89% who don’t back this clown group?

The Tories, like the Republicans in the south, created the Frankenstein monster and now are trying to make like they did not. Voters know. Of course “freedom” includes keeping the vast majority from working and impacting supply chains.

I was a state trooper once and recognize this group as the Friday/Saturday drunken brawlers we arrested. The police in Alberta have a law “King Kenney” put through, but have not used it for those that block infrastructure since this crowd are his voters and it was put in against “lefties.” 

Police have used kid gloves with this group. If they were “lefties” they would have had their heads cracked in long ago.

Time to get serious and, if need be, bring in the army or rent some water cannons from Europe. Being soft with this group only encourages them.

Jim Trautman,
Ontario, California