
Dear Editor:

When I received my paper this week, I had to do a double take on the front page photograph.

What a beautiful scene! People enjoying a lovely care-free summer outing on a boat. But wait, we are in the midst of a global pandemic. Although the article cites the current public health guidelines, this picture balks at them all: a social gathering of more than five people who are not physically distanced or wearing face masks and are seemingly not from the same household.

This photo is a poor choice and gives the impression that public health standards do not make for pretty pictures anymore.

I’m tired too, but shouldn’t our local media support the current milieu? It is not my intent to shame those in the photo and I acknowledge that each of us has the autonomy to make our own decisions in terms of “following the rules.”

But the Advertiser’s advertisement of its ignorance towards public health recommendations is completely disheartening and disrespectful – especially to those of us in the healthcare industry and the community who continue to sacrifice for the greater good.

Sarah Williams,

Editor’s note: The Advertiser has never practised “ignorance towards public health recommendations.” All seven people in last week’s front page photo are family members living in the same household, so the gathering limit is not applicable to them.