Conservation key

Dear Editor:

Those of us who live in the Grand River watershed know about the threat of flooding and count on the Grand River Conservation Authority to manage the watershed.  All conservation authorities play a vital role in sustaining biodiversity, species at risk, and protecting wetlands, marshes, streams, rivers, forests and ecosystems.

The Ontario government is avoiding public comment on the ERO by proposing Section 6 in Bill 229 that would reduce the authority and participation of these important conservation authorities.  This is short-sighted and dangerous!

The conservation authorities have a watershed perspective, and have valuable expertise and experience.  They need to have input into possible paving over of wetlands and altering watercourses as well as flood protection.

Please contact your MPP and ask that Section 6 of the omnibus Bill 229 be removed before it goes to third reading. Copy ministers Rod Phillips, Jeff Yurek and Steve Clark as well as the premier.

We all need solid oversight and experience in managing our watersheds. We cannot afford to lose the very key role conservation authorities play!

Donna McCaw,
Save Our Water, Elora