Archived Letter – 946

Dear, Editor of the Wellington Advertiser
Canada as a country takes in more immigrants than any other country in the world, so they are obviously a big part of this country and economy. An article in your paper called “Live and Work in Wellington bus tours offer opportunity to explore local jobs” describes how Wellington is taking action, organizing bus tours to help immigrants and the jobless search for and get jobs. I think this is an incredibly helpful idea. An immediate thought is, why are our precious tax dollars going towards that?!? Let’s be real here, though. Would you rather have your tax dollars go towards unemployed people sitting at home unable to care for their own families, or have your money help those same people get a job? This way, your money is being put to action for the better of the economy. As soon as these people get their own jobs, they will be putting money back out into the economy instead of just sucking in tax money.
I believe that not only as a district but as a nation we should be putting more effort into this. If we want to continue being a refuge and home to immigrants, we should make it possible for them to be participating citizens! Companies that are willing and able to hire immigrants should advertise loudly! Programs could be set up to give information to immigrants (and unemployed persons) information to aid them in finding work.
Not only will this help the economy, but it will bring communities together and help immigrants become true Canadians.
Corina Wierenga

Corina Wierenga