Archived Letter – 942

Sharing the Road
Dear Editor:
Speaking from a farmer’s perspective, I think that a lot of drivers are becoming more and more ignorant about sharing the road with large tractors and farm machinery.
Many drivers get impatient when they are stuck behind slow-moving farm machinery and are unable to pass. Tractors with farm equipment have a right to fully drive on the road, as gravel shoulders are not designed to hold such a heavy weight.
It would be appreciated if car drivers maintain a safe distance behind slow-moving farm machinery. Don’t make impulsive decisions when trying to pass a tractor; better to be safe than sorry.
Pay attention to turning signals. Never try to pass farm equipment that is turning left or right.
When being approached by a tractor with wide equipment, it would be a great help if car drivers could pull over to the side of the road and wait until the tractor has passed.
All drivers should have respect for farmers driving farm machinery, and at your next meal, think about where the food came from.

Nienke Holtland