Archived Letter – 922

In regards to “Face-Weary” in last weeks paper I can’t totally
disagree with the writer’s premise, but his comparison to Churchill is a little off. First, it was 1945, not 1948 that
the voters decided to turf good old Winston, but I don’t think it had anything to do with ‘Face-Weary’. Churchill had only been in office for five years and even that was with a coalition government. The Labour party had launched one of their most aggressive campaigns in history and the conspiracy theorists even suggested that the Kremlin had thrown in a few bucks, as Churchill was the last person they wanted around as they migrated into the parts of Eastern Europe that they had not already occupied. Churchill would have been and obstacle to that foray and as history has shown, Britain’s Labour party did not voice many
objections to Soviet moves.

E. Barry Bruyea