Archived Letter – 912

I’m not having enough space for the entire letter so I’m sending it in sections, as long as your getting them all no worries. Back to the voice mail that “katherine” sent us was ignorant and rude to say the least. This is the first job that Eaden has had besides babysitting, she was super excited at the thought of a real job. I’m the one that drives to Mount Forest every week so papers could be delivered and on time. It was bad enough for us to grieve the loss of my Dad, Sorry that we didn’t get a replacement or even call the office to let someone know that papers didn’t get delivered. To be honest with you I had so many other things on my plate to get through that the papers didn’t even cross my mind. After hearing the message from “katherine” that was enough to discourage Eaden from continuing her paper route.The comments from “katherine” will not be tolerated at all, it’s not ok… Talking to my daughter that is 13yrs old in the manner she did is horrible and nothing but discouragement, As a family unit were already going through some difficult matters that are really tough and painful but will heal in time, to add the ignorance to the pile makes it so much worse and hurtful.

Jacqueline Durward