Archived Letter – 889

Senior abuse in Rockwood

I am a resident living in Squires Lodge,in Rockwood, which is run by Guelph Eramosa Non Profit Housing.The management , in my opinion, is competely insensitive and uninterested in the comfort and welfare of the residents. The manager who really is nothing more than a clerk that shows up for two hours Tuesday and Thursday. She is supposed to be renting from an existing list of people that have expressed inerested in residing here, but the list isn;t followed or adhered to in any way, shape or form.
The manager has told residents that she doesn’t particularly like old people.We currently have at least
3 tenants over the age of 90 yrs.When one of those over 90 ladies asked her to turn the heat up in the hallways and main entrance she was told to put a sweater on. The woman’s daughter talked to the manager {clerk)she told her her mother doesn’t have to live here she is free to move.
This has also happened to others.The concrete around the main entrance is badly in need of evening the concrete as two ladies were injured due to falling. The manager told the ladies they had to lift their feet higher when walking.There are handicapped on the second and third floors that are unable to use the stairs at all and it is of great concern that in the event of a fire these ladies would have to be carried down the stair as the elevator can’t be operable in an emergency.In addition there is a tenant living on the 3rd floor, that suffers daily seizures and is completely unable to help himself.He is a chain smoker and residents are afraid if he has a seizure in his apartment it could result in a fire. The manager refuses to even enter his apartment and says if the ambulance is called enough times they will force hi to get help.Two weeks ago he collapsed on the street near the post office, police, ambulance and fire truck was on the scene and he refused to be taken.
A tenant recently reported smelling gas and told the manager. She never left her office but decided the sewers had been flushed and told the woman it wasn’t a gas leak.
A week later after the clerk (manager) was on vacation and again the same lady smelled gas and had to call 911. Opp and fire came and said they found 3 gas leaks which were supposedly repaired but no information has been passed on to the tenants who have a right to know.
The so called Board has never been seen, do not hold regular tenant meetings to discuss issues. It appears the members of the board are hand picked by someone called Dawes, he son cuts the grass in a half assed manner and does not trim , clean up grass clippings, has no schedule as to when he should perform his duties and has showed up as early as 8 am and as late as 8:30 pm.If there is someone she doesn’t like she kicks them off.
New Tenants have moved in and the proper cleaning, painting and required repairs have not been performed.
When water is first turned on it comes out a dark brown colour and this problem has been ongoing and completely ignored.
Whenever the manager(clerk) is advised of an issues her standard comment is it will have to go before the board.This board is nothing more than a rental agent for Guelph Eramosa Non Profit Housing. Maybe it is time for rent payments to be withheld.
The manager(clerk) has informed tenants that due to fire regulations all walkers mobility vehicles have been move from the stairways. These items in no way restricted anyone from reaching the exit. oh yes and the bird feed had to go.Two shelved book cases which were located completely away from any traffic whatsover also have been removed.The person who is responsilble for and vacuuming the hallways, taking out the garbage,etc is only allowed 2 hours a day for a 5 day week, The carpets have not been changed in over 7 years, the garbage room stinks and have not been cleaned or power washed ever.We have solicited both our mp and mpp for assistance and advice and are told it is not there problem and tell us to call elsewhere.Thank god we have an election looming

Norman Thomson