Archived Letter – 852

Open letter to Micheal Chong,

Due to your party leader exposing our Canadian Forces in your parties latest gaffs in trying to get elected, I propose that some one out there charge our P.M. with aiding and abetting the enemy. Never in my military service have I seen a more open blatant political serving hogwash to get our military onside with this current bunch of non- caring elected people…. using the last descriptive loosely. We have some of the most dedicated military personnel in the world, doing a fine job, they need to be ANONYMOUS IN ORDER TO ACCOMMPLISH THEIR TASK, your P.M. aided the enemy by doing what he wanted to do by LOOKING GOOD in A WAR ZONE.
Our P.M. sould take a lesson from the fellows he just did the photo op’s with in Holland…. LOOSE LIPS…. SINK SHIPS

Ian Darling