Archived Letter – 1373

RE: Tax not the solution, Mar. 1

Ashley Woods said “Green energy is not capable of sustaining our needs” and “Wind and solar are not reliable sources of energy.” Early automobiles weren’t as reliable as horse drawn vehicles either, nor was there infrastructure available for safe travelling or re-fuelling them.
Early airplanes flew only a few hundred feet – no way could they fly across the Atlantic! Solar panels, batteries and wind turbines have come a long way already and continue to rapidly progress. There are now wave and tidal electric generators, thorium reactors, and fuel cells – none of which existed until recently.
We need to pay the true cost of fossil fuels. If we do, that will encourage the faster development of reliable and inexpensive alternative energy solutions.
Carbon fee and dividend is the least costly way to address the challenges facing us. It is a true Conservative policy as it gives the money collected back to the people to allow them to decide how to reduce their own carbon footprint. The government does not keep the money – did you miss that detail?
We didn’t leave the Stone Age because we ran out of stones. The PC leadership candidates need to wake up to the current reality.

Gord Cumming