Archived Letter – 1360

Dear Editor, My name is Brad Page and I go to John Black Public School. I think that Canada’s new law to make marijuana legal is a bad idea. I think that it is bad because I think there may be more overdoses on the drug and the only people that should use it would be the people with prescriptions. I think that people without prescriptions shouldn’t be doing marijuana. I think this drug will mess you up and I know this because a study that I read about on college students found that students who smoked the drugs found that they had less critical skills ability to hold their attention, less memory, and their learning was diminished. In a study on postal workers they found those that tested positive for marijuana got in more accidents and were more likely to be away from work. I think marijuana and alcohol are probably both just as bad, but I don’t think adding the availability of marijuana will be any better for our community.

Brad Page