Archived Letter – 1357

Dear Editor,

Do you remember Y2K?

Y2K was the well thought out conspiracy of the late 90’s that made the custom fallout shelter industry one of the most profitable industries in the world.

In the unlikely circumstance that you aren’t aware of what Y2K is, it was a huge widespread conspiracy going on mainly in the late 90’s where people were convinced that some guy didn’t put a couple of numbers in some computers and the entire human race will subsequently be decimated because of it.

Missiles will fall from the sky and the computers will slaughter and enslave us like a new age Genghis Khan until we all have masters, and humans have absolutely no more decision making powers. The computers would call the shots and there would be no further questions about it. It all centered around the fact that in the 80s & 90s computers took 2-digit dates (84,98,etc.) and the 2000’s need 4 digits which people speculated would, put simply, kill us all.

Now on New Years eve 1999 people gathered in fear and terror as they began to countdown the seconds except, something’s different about this time. People aren’t counting down to a new year. To a new time full of new possibilities, they are counting down to the end. The end of us. That’s all folks, it’s all over, but-bye, thank you, come again.

Except when the hit zero something strange happened.


They were fine. WE were fine.

Since then we’ve gone through Wars, bomb scares, violence, terrorism, the whole horrifying shibang.

But this is the last straw.

Y2K was a warning shot.

If we put WiFi on school buses, that’s it.

Game over man, game over.

Rhys Roberts