Archived Letter – 1347

Hello, I am a grade eight student from John Black and my name is Justyss. In many schools there are distracted students in the classrooms. Not paying attention or being distracted in class can impact your education significantly. Even one student talking or doing things that does take others off task. I’ve seen many students playing with fidget toys and distracting themselves and everyone around them watching them. How can we stop this? I think we can solve this problem through more strict seating plans for all classes that need it, and we could address inappropriate behavior right away and stop giving so many chances. The most distracting thing in this day and age is our phones. On average each student checks their phone 35 times during the school day when they should be working. All of this distraction brings your grade average down. Please pay attention in class and ignore people who are trying to distract you.

Justyss Hewitt