Archived Letter – 1120

Dear Premier Wynne.
I am presenting this as an open letter due to the very serious event that has taken place at one of our Ontario schools and therefore affects every Ontario parent, and Taxpayer! You are, no doubt, aware of the situation at Metropolitan Andrei Catholic School in Mississauga where a seven-year-old boy was allegedly sexually assaulted by another student. Although no criminal charges will result, even if the allegations are proven, this remains a criminal act and a child has been emotionally scarred for life! The mother has also been traumatized through such an act! Would you have been traumatized if this had happened to one of your three children, Jessica, Christopher or Maggie when they were young? Would you be troubled if it happened to one of your three grandchildren Olivia, Claire, or Hugh? Speaking of your grandchildren, is this curriculum being taught in their schools? If so, were they granted a special exemption? Although this incident happened in a Catholic school, I see that they list the hyperlink for the Ontario Curriculum on their website.
I am not aware of a situation like this happening prior to your forcing your Sex Ed agenda into Ontario schools! If this program influenced the young perpetrator to commit this act, are you going to do the obvious and honorable act of removing the offensive parts of the curriculum that influenced him? Furthermore will you visit the mother and son and apologize for your contribution to the offence? If these offences continue, will you remove yourself from government?
As a parent from a former traditional family, and member of the Metro Parent Network, you were recorded as stating the following at a June 7, 2000 meeting:
“All of us, citizens and politicians, should regard the health of publicly funded education as a trust and ourselves as stewards.” Have you made yourself and your Party alone Stewards of Publicly funded Education and left the citizens out?
You were also quoted as saying “(Bill 74) takes more control of schools out of the hands of our trustees and places it in the hands of an aloof provincial cabinet minister.” Doesn’t The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8: Health and Physical Education, 2015 take more control of schools out of the hands of parents and places it in the hands of yourself?
Near the end of your presentation you allegedly said “(If Bill 74 passes as it is written), it will only further poison the atmosphere in our children’s classrooms in Toronto and everywhere around the province.” If The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8: Health and Physical Education, 2015 has perpetrated this assault, poisoning the atmosphere in our children’s classrooms in the province is a mere understatement!
The following are quotes from your Acceptance speech as Premier in February 11, 2013:
“Leadership is not about one person”. “We are here to listen and to lead and to act in the best interest of our province, . . . our children and our grandchildren”. “Complex times require thoughtful collaboration solutions”. You “look forward to working with members of the Opposition”. You “recognize the needs of community”. I ask you, what happened to your “Leadership” perspective, your “Listening” capabilities, your concern about the best interest of our children and grandchildren? You have been in office for over three years now. When will the collaboration, working with the Opposition and recognition of community needs take place!?
Mike Benson
Cambridge, Ontario

Mike Benson