Archived Letter – 1102

Re: Guelph Storm player speaks out about mental illness
September 16, 2016

Dear editor,
I think it is our responsibility to help people with mental illnesses. Therefore I am writing to express my support for Garrett McFadden and his charity, McFadden’s Movement.
McFadden’s approach is definitely a great way to raise awareness. I appreciate that he is talking with minor sports teams about it, so that we can help others who are struggling. I also think that we should go beyond minor sports teams and speak with schools, communities, and more.
If someone we know is struggling with mental illness, we need to walk along beside them. We all struggle with different issues and none of us is better than the next. With this in mind, we can form an open community where no one will be judged for their struggles. It is important that we talk about it and that we don’t ignore mental illnesses, as McFadden suggests.
Christ has called us to be humble and not think of ourselves as greater than the person sitting next to us. This will allow mentally ill people to come forward and speak to us about their struggle without fear of being judged. If we continue to be open, then mental illness should not progress to the point where suicide appears to be the only option.
I appreciate what Garrett McFadden has done and it is my hope that we all continues to raise awareness of mental health struggles.
Yours truly,

Isaac Van Veen

Isaac Van Veen