Archived Letter – 1063

As I have been a long time handler of animals – farm, exotic and “domestic”, I feel I should share a few points for both sides to consider regarding the recent Tiger Paws exotic show. First off, kangaroos are actually more drought tolerant than camels are! These are creatures that go from sweltering 40C+ daytime to below zero night time weather. When hot, the salivate a lot – then lick themselves to cool off ( dogs pant, humans sweat) – it’s not a sign of near death. On the flip side, I have seen far too many of these fairs pop up in parking lots where goats, llamas, ponies and other animals stand on shadeless concrete all day. Nearby Elmira has many horse hitches where the animals are tied standing up without shade or water for hours wearing black saddles and gear, with no uproar. If people want a law passed, it should be for mandatory shade and constant water access to animals at hitches and shows. For the comments that all exotics should be banned, I can testify that there are many locals who keep exotics in wonderful &loving homes… and sadly state that there are also abusive owners of “normal pets” around. Most exotics can’t survive if they get loose in Canada, but cats roaming free kill countless songbirds and animals. Everyone has their right to an opinion on animals, just please look at it from both sides and don’t deny anyone their companion just because you are a “goldfish person”.

Lance Henderson