Archived Letter – 1015

I can’t help but giggle over Gord Cumming’s letter (Film highlights issues Mar 4) and his dislike of “paid industry lobbyists” in the climate change industry. All the while standing proud as a “volunteer lobbyist with Citizens Climate Lobby to fight back by lobbying”. I’m no English Lit. major but that sounds ironic, hypocritical or a case of pots calling kettles black.
Regarding “deception, distortion (and) disinformation” in the global warming industry, can anyone explain the mechanism wherein an Ontario tax of 5 cents/liter on gasoline will change our weather? Why doesn’t the Wynne government tax us 6 cents to ensure no rain on weekends this upcoming summer?
I do know one thing, this global warming winter has reduced my heating needs and kept money in my pocket. Money the government now wants.
Finally, I’m about to file a missing persons report for Peak Oil. Formerly a prominent member of the community, Peak hasn’t been heard from in over 18 months. Does anyone know of his whereabouts?
Deception indeed.

Jeff Cormack