Archived Letter – 1006

Dear Editors;

I always thought that the problems with aboriginal peoples was a federal matter; so, why does Ms. Wynne need to spend millions and millions of dollars to educate ALL PUBLIC
SERVICE EMPLOYEES. The areas of education are “indigenous
cultural sensitivity” and “anti-racism”. This is an insult to provincial employees. As a matter of fact, many, many citizens of Ontario come into contact with aboriginals every day……I guess we need a refresher course to understand the correct way to feel when addressing aboriginals. The presumption that neither my parents nor
the 13 years I spent in Ontario schools learning to respect
all people was soon forgotten is ludicrous.
On a final note, maybe Ms. Wynne could tell us when she will be taking the course so that a few of us could attend this “sensitivity” training with her. I am looking forward to receiving my diploma.

Jim McClure,

Jim McClure