Archived Letter – 1004

Dear Editor:

I am writing with regards to the U. S. Immigration policy, and my thoughts on how this affects Canadians.
I believe that Canadians who have valuable resources for the American economy should take precedence over, refugees, asylums, and family based immigration. This is because of the recession, and the need for growth of the United States of America. I believe it is important to grow its economy; to become stronger, to have the ability to support the refugees, asylums, and families, who decide to take refuge in the United States.
Aliens of the country should be deported, if they do not have the supporting documentation, unless they have valuable resource to the country; they should be guided in obtaining the necessary green card. This affects Canadians who are working in the states at our cross border cities, and living in Canada.
We should have open communication with the United States of America therefore our Municipal, and governmental leaders need to address this issue. If they do not we can see a lot of Canadian families loosing there jobs in the US, and returning to work in Canada without having the freedom of choice, and/or becoming unemployed.
Please give Canadians the freedom of choice, and act on the US immigration policies today, or we will see an increase in unemployment, in Canada.


Marcel Quenneville
Graduate Student
Regis University of Colorado

Marcel Quenneville