‘Against progress’

RE: Move on with hospice, July 28. 

Publisher Dave Adsett hit the nail on the head with his editorial.

I have followed the writings and events of our town council for years. Yes, I did notice that usually the same two or three councillors vote against progress.

I have a few questions for them:

– do you feel better expressing your own personal views, rather than those of the constituents that you are representing?

– you might have lived a long time in Centre Wellington, but what have you contributed to our town?; and

– is your personal name on any of the donor boards in town? Like Groves hospital or the Seniors Centre?

Are you aware that:

– there are business values for business matters;

– there are spiritual values for spiritual matters (never mix business matters with spiritual values, nor spiritual matters with business values); and

– history is full of examples that have led to disasters and increased suffering due to mixing the foregoing.

Keeping obstinate personal religious values to make your point in a town council, is the wrong place.

Hospices are superb places for those that choose that way to die in peace. All souls like to die with dignity. Whether assisted in a hospice or not. That is their personal choice!

There is not one holy book that I know of that stipulates that a person should die a painful and slow death as a choice.

I suggest that you (you know who you are) change your world view or express it solely in your private life, not at town council.

Dick Haas,