Hugh Black Curling Bonspiel Dec. 6

The Fergus Curling Club is again hosting the Hugh Black Bonspiel in honour of the club’s founder, Hugh Black.

Black came to Fergus from Perthshire Scotland with his wife and 13 children in 1834.

In the same year he founded and became the first president of the Fergus Curling Club, which is now the oldest continuously operating club in Ontario.

The four curling sheets are numbered 1, 8, 3 and 4 in honour of when the club was created and curling stone number one on sheet eight is dedicated to the founder.

The Hugh Black Bonspiel is scheduled for Dec. 6. and more teams are encouraged to sign up so there can be two draws. If there are enough teams, starting times will be 9am and 10:30am.

The entry fee is $140 per team.

Those interested in participating in the bonspiel should call Alan Ferguson at the Fergus Curling Club at 519-843-4874.

There will also be a dinner in the evening.
