Happy Daddy’s Day

Fathers everywhere will likely enjoy a fabulous Father’s Day on Sunday and that’s because behind the scenes, a mother planned it.

Oh don’t make that face, it’s not a criticism gentleman, it’s just a fact. This is why the Carpenter’s big day will consist of a hot coffee at dawn, maybe some toast and if I can swing it, a bag of licorice all-sorts.

Hey, I’m a mother, but I’m not your typical wife.

In our house, we made a deal not to go overboard on the mother-father day stuff. Frankly, we can’t afford to spend money on gifts just for the sake of giving gifts.

We have some goals for the house that require an investment and we’re pretty focused there. We both agree these holidays should be more about sentiment than stuff. Sentimental I can do for free.

After another year of just trying to make ends meet and still meet each other at the end, I can assure you there is nothing I could give the Carpenter that comes close to representing how important he is to our family.

He works hard so we can live well and he holds us together, and often, holds us up. There just isn’t any way to show that we appreciate him other than to tell him every single day. Words and deeds: priceless.

Probably the best gift the kids and I can give the Carpenter is peace and quiet to tend to his garden, cut the lawn, mess about in his garage and putter about in solitude.

The Carpenter likes his own space. The less we interfere with his man-duties the better. Nothing makes the Carpenter happier really. Well, that and a bag of licorice all-sorts. The Carpenter is pretty easy to please.

You probably think we’re going to let the Carpenter have his peace and quiet on Sunday, to honour his role as Dad. Sure thing. Right. Yeah, except that’s not gonna happen. Here’s the thing; we adore him.

Around this house, he truly is the most fun person and so we tend to fight for his attention. So, we’ll interrupt him a lot because we like to. It’s not to harass him, you understand. It’s more that he is entertaining and we like to be entertained.

The only peace the Carpenter will enjoy is the knowledge that he is adored, because he truly is, even when he’d rather be left alone to cut the grass.

People often ask me questions about the Carpenter, because he is a man of mystery.

The question I get asked most is, “does the Carpenter have a name?” Yes, he does. I can’t share it because he is actually quite comfortable being known as the Carpenter. He’s a pretty laid back man, not a limelight seeker, so he’s good to be known by his alter ego.

Most people want to know if the Carpenter is really a carpenter. Yes. the Carpenter is a concrete form-worker, so he’s not the kind of guy who is going to build you a nice piece of furniture or frame your house, (or finish the bathroom) but he can build a foundation like nobody’s business.

In fact, he’s the man who has created a foundation that our whole family is built on; sturdy, strong and secure. He is everything a father should be, and then some.

Happy Father’s Day, Carpenter.



Kelly Waterhouse
