Erin council to reconsider off-road vehicle policy

ERIN – Mayor Allan Alls has put forward a notice of motion for the town to reconsider a policy to permit off-road vehicles on public roads.

Council has directed staff to review the town’s current off-road vehicle policy and bring forward a bylaw to permit ATV’s on town roads.

The report will be presented for council consideration in September.

“I brought this forward because we’re the only town in the county still that doesn’t allow it,” Alls explained, noting the town of Minto recently passed a bylaw to allow off-road vehicles on town roads.

“ATVs are used much more now by the farming industry than they used to be in the past, and it would be nice to have a consistency throughout the county,” he added.

Alls suggested the revised policy continue to restrict off-road vehicles within urban areas but noted they could be allowed in farmlands and on countryside roads.
