The following is a re-print of a past column by former Advertiser columnist Stephen Thorning, who passed away on Feb. 23, 2015.
You’d think by now that I’d have learned to keep my thoughts inside my head, but if you’ve read this column for any length of time, surely by now you know I’m not hardwired to hold back.
Small Business Week 2024
What qualifies as small business, is actually a pretty big deal.
Giving thanks
In recent weeks, the trek to work has been nothing short of incredible.
Head over …
I took my husband to see my boyfriend perform at Centre in the Square last week. A rare date night with my two favourite men: the Carpenter and Jim Cuddy.
Seven years of hard labour in pen for ‘Yorkshire Tom’
The following is a re-print of a past column by former Advertiser columnist Stephen Thorning, who…
Highway robbers assaulted man in Elora in 1878
The following is a re-print of a past column by former Advertiser columnist Stephen Thorning, who…
OPINION: Farmers urged to focus on fire prevention as part of winter prep
ONTARIO – Every year, farm fires result in tens of millions of dollars in losses to buildings, businesses and farm animals; and the financial losses don’t take into account the toll on farm families.
Modesty amongst the mayhem
Everybody these days seems to have a day or week to toot their own horn.
He tore out the advertisement from last week’s newspaper and put it on the kitchen table where I couldn’t help but see it. He’s subtle like that.
Aberfoyle homicide caused a sensation in 1885
The following is a re-print of a past column by former Advertiser columnist Stephen Thorning, who…
It’s funny how a simple salutation like “hello” brightens people’s day.