“There’s a bluebird on our windowsill, there’s a rainbow in the sky.” That…
Not complaining
Flash, bang, clash, a heart-stopping ear-splitting crack, and a not very humble loud, grumbling…
My little sister
September is Big Brother, Big Sister month across Canada. Seventeen years ago, this organization…
Woman abandoned infant near Mount Forest in 1886
On June 26, 1886 two sons of Bob McDonald of Mount Forest decided to spend their Saturday morning…
Fall has fallen
Fall has fallen and so have all the leaves, but never before have I seen such a varied display of…
Mount Forest doctor sued patients husband for slander in 1921
Lawsuits and threatened suits against doctors were one of the hazards of the medical profession in…
Thieves went on a break-in spree in Elora in 1920
ELORA – Hallowe’en night was long established as a time for mischief and petty crime in…
Chick talk
Well, folks it looks like the January thaw has come and gone. The high temperatures, the strong…
Trial of Maryborough woman caused a local sensation in 1921
In 1916 a girl from Maryborough Township named Nellie Wetzel dated a man named Colonel Laughrin.…
In a recent column, I had mentioned my father’s off-hand explanation of cold weather. It…
Confessions of an athlete’s mom
I would like to add another chapter to the mother guilt collection I have accumulated over the past…
Groves tried unsuccessfully to donate hospital to town in early 1920s
Many people, in Centre Wellington at least, are aware that Groves Memorial Hospital was established…
Jumping in feet first
Throughout my adult life, there are two things that terrify me about summer: bathing suits and…
Bare with me
Living as I now do, just west of Markdale, caused a little concern when I first heard that a bear…
Elora’s W.O. Mendell revived attacks on county council
Earlier in 2013 this column carried a two-part account of the attacks on the conduct of county…