Bees, bees, where be the bees? This I wonder as I wander each morning out to check on the health…
Glutton for gluten
I woke up in a cold sweat. I had been dreaming of crusty French baguettes floating around my head,…
A rude awakening
A few decades ago George Santayana, a philosopher, wrote, “Those who forget the past are…
American Civil War veteran abandoned his first family
John F. Skyring was an early resident of Wellington County, and one of a handful of men from this…
Bust a move
I think we can all agree that I am cool. Way cool. I’m down with what’s hip, and…
For those of you on the fringes of my readers’ circle who can’t quite understand what…
Wellington County enjoyed numerous road improvements in early 1920s
Last week’s column described some of the changes in Fergus in 1927 that brought that town…
Common scents
Face it: life stinks. It’s the season of soggy boots on the wet mat, wool mittens dripping…
Undermining markets
Concerns should be raised about the impact of high-frequency trading. That undermines the stock…
The porcelain parlour
I am getting lazy in my old age; the complications of nasty weather and the lingering darkness in…
Fatal concerns
Just as the world failed to realize in 1914 that it was atop a powder keg about to explode in the…
Snap, crackle and pop
Snap, crackle and pop is not my cereal popping when I pour milk on it, nor is it the before-bedtime…