Two recent fatal off-road vehicle (ORV) incidents in one day and a spike in preventable ORV…
On Sept. 23 at approximately 12:50am, four people entered the Mount Forest Convenience Store…
Vandalized sign
On Sept. 5, Wellington County OPP learned the speed radar sign that was placed on Wellington Road…
OPP issue cautions with harvest season in full swing
With area farmers starting to harvest their crops, Wellington County OPP want drivers to think…
Crime of the Week
Sometime between 9 and 10pm on Aug. 12, a theft occurred from a residence located here. A backyard…
Grenade recovered
On Sept. 10, Wellington County OPP received a report that a grenade was located by a property owner…
OPP step up search for illegal crops
As illegal marijuana crops are now being prepared for distribution, police are reminding residents…
Conn accident claims second fatality
A head-on collision on Aug. 27 near here has claimed a second…
Another serious collision
On Sept. 5 at about 4:55pm the Wellington County OPP received a call regarding a serious collision…
CrimeStoppers offers vehicle protection tips
CrimeStoppers Guelph Wellington is offering tips to help residents protect their…
Julie Poluck gets nine-month-old Brayden Ferguson, with his father Kurtis, to smile for the camera…
Roadwatch signs raise local awareness
Centre Wellington residents can now help keep roads safe in their own neighborhoods by reporting…
Vandals strike with paint
Vandals hit a number of buildings in the Elora area with spray paint over the long…
OPP test mobile licence scanner
Wellington County OPP has stepped up its equipment arsenal in a bid to quickly identify vehicles…
Revamped provincial taser regulations won”t immediately impact local OPP
OPP commander Inspector Scott Lawson is welcoming announced changes to front line police officers…