The denture clinic on Clarke Street in Clifford will continue to be a fixture in this…
A weekly press release prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural…
Minto considers request for handicapped park spaces
A request for a handicapped parking space will lead to further discussions of accessibility at the…
Knapp heads list of councillors who missed meetings in 2007
If municipal councillors in Wellington County were graded on their attendance at…
Public Health offers ways to avoid getting viral gastroenteritis
It can knock people flat – so Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health officials tell people…
City of Guelph endorses two-lane Niska Road bridge
It looks like the city is moving ahead with staff recommendations to replace the one-lane Niska…
Wellington County opens Mount Forest Community Services Centre
Wellington County officially opened the new Community Services Centre in Mount Forest last…
Council ponders sidewalk bicycle ban
With local cyclists taking advantage of smooth new sidewalks on Harriston's rebuilt main street,…
14th annual antique and classic car show Sept. 11
People will find downtown Fergus alive Sept. 11 with an expected 150 or more antique and classic…
EWCS golf tournament raised over $22,600
East Wellington Community Services held its seventh annual golf tournament last month July 21.…
Parents can register now for car seat clinic Sept. 30
The Ontario Early Years program here is partnering with a number of groups to bring a car seat…
Wellington Junior Farmer member Jennifer Dane is heading to Ireland
Jennifer Dane, of Wroxeter, will be heading to the Republic of Ireland after obtaining an exchange…
Living With Stroke education series starts Sept. 14 at Palmerston hospital
When Harriston resident Ken Fisk suffered a stroke in 1986 he leaned heavily on his wife, Irene, to…
Arthur singer’s band earned itself a gold record for single
An Arthur area woman who sings with the The Joys, a London rock act, has a gold record from the…
Arts Centre: Mining the Family Archive
On Jan. 10 at 7:30pm, the Elora Centre for the Arts will host the opening reception of Sara…