Though new to members of Minto council, its new meeting investigator and integrity officer is more…
Minto creates new position of Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk
It looks like there will be a new top position in the municipality sometime in the near future. On…
Township okays over $37,000 for engineering work at PMD arena
Mapleton council has approved at least $37,400 in engineer design costs for the addition of…
County officials withdraw peace bond application against Manderson
Brad Whitcombe and Scott Wilson have dropped a peace bond application against Guelph blogger Bill…
Five weeks set aside for gravel pit hearing
The Ontario Municipal Board has set aside five weeks in May for the hearing about the…
Township passes sign bylaw – with slow implementation of new rules
Centre Wellington Township approved its sign bylaw on July 12, but council expects to…
‘Magical musical fantasy’ Brigadoon starts Sept. 15 at Drayton theatre
Musical revelry, the power of enduring love, and magic beyond the imagination take…
New call for National Wall of Remembrance
Arthur’s historical society is taking up the challenge to support Wellington North…
Gamble is investigator
Wellington North has followed the lead of the majority of county municipalities in…
Local group helping orphans in the Dominican Republic
Mark Robinson has worked as a volunteer in Central American countries since 2003. The Palmerston…
Groves Hospital gets provincial permit for a CT scanner
Call it the ripple effect. Groves Hospital received permission for a CT scanner from the provincial…
Two councillors docked for missed meetings
Taxpayers here may be pleased to know they are not footing the entire bill for absentee…
MADD regroups with new local chapter after several years’ hiatus
When Erin Foley and Craig Pitman get married this August, they plan to dance at their wedding. Most…
Land sale requires construction to be kept in Wellington North
Strange as it may seem, a sale of property in West Grey Township is a good thing for Wellington…
New watering restrictions coming to township in 2008
A new watering restrictions bylaw is one step closer to reality after Guelph-Eramosa council gave…