June Ball was honoured on Nov. 24 for 50 years of service with Girl Guides of Canada during a…
Trillium gives $1.7-million to 30 area groups for community projects
Community organizations will benefit from grants recently ratified by the board of the Ontario…
Hockey school
Toronto Maple Leaf forward Nick Spaling, left, and Nathan Spaling, a former Canadian university…
‘Karaoke Kristin’ counting on local support in CMT singing competition
The sight of Kristin Ballah singing karaoke in local bars is nothing new – the Fergus native…
Students helping sick kids become super heroes at CWDHS
A group of Grade 10 and 11 fashion students at Centre Wellington District High School have been…
Older crime reports will no longer be archived on The Wellington Advertiser…
Council fears charges may discourage development
Councillors here are having second thoughts about introducing new development…
Community Foundation survey deadline Sept. 8
The Guelph Community Foundation, is holding a survey for Guelph and Wellington’s vital signs…
White elected to AMO board
At the 110th conference of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO),…
Auto recycler will help plant several hundred trees in township
About the only thing that wrecked automobiles and trees used to have in common came about when the…
Faces of Farming calendar now available
John Maaskant, the chairman of the Ontario Farm Animal Council recently unveiled the third annual…
Chamber of Commerce presentation shows accomplishments
Ron Elliott, a director for the Minto Chamber of Commerce, was at council Nov. 28 presenting an…
Remembrance service held in Aboyne at Wellington County Museum
Before the Wellington County Museum, 471 crosses stand in silent tribute to the lives of local men…
Books: Between Two Women: A Stratford Story now available
Though he now lives in Ancaster, retired minister Bruce Woods grew up in a Stratford home with…
Chamber Choir performs Messiah Dec. 22
The Guelph Chamber Choir will perform Handel’s Messiah Dec. 22 at the River Run Centre.…