On May 6 the Guelph Youth Jazz Ensemble will host a spring concert, marking the end of its third…
Thorning to lead Beatty Brothers presentation at county museum
To celebrate May is Museum Month the Wellington County Museum and Archives is hosting Dr. Stephen…
Railway author speaks on May 4
Rod Clarke, a retired Ontario Hydro engineer, has spent several years researching the old…
Legion president, Lacrosse Hall of Famer Mac Mason will be missed
Funeral services were held here on April 25 for John MacLachlin (Mac) Mason, a lifelong…
Mayor says Rockwood route is ‘dangerous’
Guelph-Eramosa Mayor Chris White says something has to be done to address the dangerous walk to…
Hike for Hospice set for May 4 in Guelph
Hike for Hospice runs this Sunday at 1pm starting and finishing at Hospice Wellington, 795…
County honours six people, one group for volunteer work
County council took a break from its usual deliberations on April 24 to salute people who…
County’s exemption for Matrix causes stir in township
Councillors here are concerned that the county is exempting a local property from taxation…
Johnny Reid to Rock the Fergus Scottish Festival this summer
Embracing his Scottish heritage and teenage years in Canada, award-winning country singer…
Development charges stalled
A decision on new development charges for the Township of Wellington North is currently stalled as…
Elvis benefit show will aid church
“Ladies and gentlemen: Elvis has entered the building.” Elvis…
Council okays three contracts
Guelph-Eramosa council has approved almost a quarter million dollars in public works contracts. On…
Carroll Pond appeal produced some irritation, indignation
There was much tension in the council chamber here on April 24 when the subject of the Carroll Pond…
Mayor favours bigger council
When it comes to the size of Wellington North’s council, Mayor Mike Broomhead isn’t…
Deep concerns at council’s ‘Big Dig’ meeting in Mount Forest
It was a full house at the Mount Forest fire hall’s community room for a meeting about the…