On June 29, as part of a regional tour of southern Ontario, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister…
A weekly report prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs…
Survey: Regulations, risk management are key priorities for OFA members
When it comes to talking to government about issues that are most important to farmers, Ontario…
Local girl, duck claim poultry prize
Elana Oakes, 11, of Guelph-Eramosa Township, won the overall junior grand champion trophy at…
International Harvester show is next weekend
The Ontario Chapter 20 International Harvester Club and Country Heritage Park is hosting a huge…
Dispelling the myths surrounding alternatives to white sugar
With chronic disease on the rise, the debate around artificial versus natural sweeteners continuing…
Larvicide program combats West Nile
Mosquito season is here and Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health is launching this years West…
Grand Wines… A simple matter of taste
Wine is one of the oldest and best loved drinks in the world. Its revered, judged, applauded,…
Environment Centre to develop community energy plan
The Elora Environment Centre has begun the process of creating a community energy plan for Centre…
Vintage sidecar motorcycle racing: A matter of balance
Dave Minnett is the first to admit he has a need for…
Craftsmen Hardwoods continues to offer great products, service at new facility
Until May 24, 1996, Robert Weber was helping on his fathers dairy farm east of Drayton and helping…
Canadian treasure
The Barra MacNeils add Canadian content to the Elora Festival with their performance on July 14.…
Thirsty trees
The newly-planted trees in Draytons Kinsmen Park, as well as those across the river at the Rotary…
Society hosts show, learns about drying flowers
The Maryborough Horticultural Societys summer flower show and meeting were held on June…
CN, GRCA have met over abutment issue
It has taken nearly a year, but council here is finally getting some action on eroding abandoned…