Local names were on the list as Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medals were awarded at a banquet…
Go for the Gold
The Wellington 4-H Association hosted the Region 4 Go for the Gold Competition at St. Andrews…
The OMAFRA Report
A weekly report prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs…
Raining money
Randi Van was hoping the rain would not deter the generosity of the crowds that gathered at the…
Goldie officially appointed as acting CAO
Though hes been in the job for almost a month Andy Goldie is now officially Centre Wellingtons…
Mayor RossZuj: Circumstances of Woods departure remain confidential
It doesnt look like any answers will be forthcoming on last months sudden departure of Michael Wood…
Mustangs fill main street for show in Harriston
The sixth annual Mustang Show hosted by Leslie Motors drew about 80 entries of various vintage, as…
Main street Mustangs –
Mustangs, both new and classic, lined Harristons main street for the Leslie Motors Mustang Show,…
MPPs charge Liberals with trying to justify end of slots program
Local MPP Ted Arnott is taking the government to task on its decision to justify the halt to the…
Shined up
Dave and Marilyn McLeod, of Mount Forest, took part in Reliable Fords Cruise Night on Aug. 13, by…
Enthusiasm catches Centre Wellington council over municipal cultural plan
Elizabeth Benders enthusiasm for Centre Wellingtons culture may be a sign of the communitys future…
Ready to roll
Jack Langdon, of Fergus, stands beside his 1961 Ford Thunderbird during Reliable Fords Cruise Night…
Plane crash near Moorefield claims four young lives on Aug. 24
Local residents assisted in the search for a downed airplane that crashed southwest Moorefield,…
Tossing time
Event president Warren Trask takes part in the caber toss at the 67th annual Fergus Scottish…
Clean sweep
The Centre Wellington Mohawks PeeWee 3 team earned Zone 8 championship status after defeating…