WELLINGTON COUNTY - Officials announced on June 9 that the Belwood Lake, Elora Gorge, Guelph Lake and Rockwood conservation areas will be closed until June 15.
North Wellington Health Care benefits from new funding aimed at smaller hospitals
PERTH-WELLINGTON – North Wellington Health Care which operates hospitals in Mount Forest and Palmerston will receive a $343,400 share of new funding designed to benefit small and medium-sized hospitals.
Public health says protest attendees should self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms
GUELPH – The local public health unit is urging everyone who attended the Black Lives Matter protest in Guelph on June 6, to monitor themselves for 14 days for symptoms of COVID-19, and to go to an assessment centre if they start to show any.
Rockwood Farmers’ Market to open under COVID-19 guidelines
ROCKWOOD – The Rockwood Farmers’ Market is officially open, taking place every Wednesday evening for the summer.
Community gardens extra-important during pandemic
WELLINGTON COUNTY - It will be tougher to build community at community gardens this year, what with physical distancing and all.But community gardens are still a going concern this year and providing a vital service, organizers say.
Survey finds Canadians relying on family, friends for mental health support during pandemic
TORONTO – Canadians navigating COVID-19 are turning to family and friends to help them manage…
Oak Tree project adapts to COVID times, donates $45,000 to local charities
GUELPH – One of Guelph’s annual funding programs has adapted quickly to a COVID world and…
National Relay for Life going virtual in Relay at Home event
WELLINGTON COUNTY – The Canadian Cancer Society is hosting its first nationwide online…
Rotary holds virtual duck race
CLIFFORD – The Clifford Rotary Duck Race was held on June 1 at the parkette at the traffic…
Linton: Move to stage two ‘good news’ for county
WELLINGTON COUNTY – The inclusion of the county among the areas allowed to loosen restrictions designed to combat the spread of COVID-19 is good news, but comes with challenges, says Wellington County Warden Kelly Linton.
Province reopens child care centres, day camps
TORONTO — One day after unveiling details of stage two of its reopening plan, the province announced child care centres will also reopen on June 12 as part of the plan.
Erin Fair cancelled for first time in 170 years
ERIN - On June 7 the Erin Agricultural Society (EAS) board of directors voted “with deep regret,” to postpone the 170th edition of the fair due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Wellington County will enter stage 2 of Ontario’s reopening plan on Friday
TORONTO — The province announced on June 8 that the Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health (WDGPH) region is one of 24 across Ontario that will enter the second stage.
Breanna Frey happy to be home after life-changing trip to Africa
MAPLETON – When Breanna Frey left Mapleton for Botswana last September, she wasn’t prepared for was a global pandemic that would make getting home a daunting and dangerous endeavour.
GRCA reminding visitors to respect rules, restrictions
WELLINGTON COUNTY - Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) officials say they will restrict access or close parks altogether if visitors continue to break the rules.